Student placement opportunities

Student placement opportunities

Cursor is a keen supporter of student internships and we are now welcoming applications from students looking for year-long placements starting in summer 2019.

Daniel Westlake

30 October 2018

The placements will see you work as a part of our award-winning team creating, supporting and managing websites, apps and online software for some of the region's leading companies.

We have multiple placements available and would welcome applications from students interested in UX/Interface design as well as web/database/server-side programming. We're learning new things all the time, improving processes and systems and so an open, can-do attitude is more important than particular technology experience.

The internships are based at our new offices at the Boole Technology Centre, 15 minutes walk from Lincoln city centre with excellent facilities and on-site parking. In addition to our exciting and diverse customer projects, the students will have an opportunity to take part in internal R&D projects, complete personal learning and attend industry conferences.

The internship is full-time starting in summer 2019. Salary is £16,500 with 20 days holiday.

If you are interested then please send your CV and covering email with some samples of work / personal projects /urls to

Closing date for applications is 30th November 2018.

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