Join our empowering customers for business growth workshop at #GoDigital23

Join our empowering customers for business growth workshop at #GoDigital23

Business Lincolnshire’s flagship conference GoDigital is back on Wednesday 8th March. This half-day event is fully funded for local SMEs and focuses on understanding the digital trends shaping tomorrow's customers and exploring what businesses can do about it today.

Join our empowering customers for business growth workshop at #GoDigital23
Join our empowering customers for business growth workshop at #GoDigital23
Join our empowering customers for business growth workshop at #GoDigital23
Sean Drury

Sean Drury

8 February 2023

Alongside keynote speaker, Cristina Criddle from the Financial Times, our very own CEO Daniel Westlake will be taking centre stage to deliver a workshop focused on how businesses can empower customers by providing digital self-serve experiences.

The shift towards self-service has revolutionised the way customers interact with businesses, as customers now have the power to take control of their transactions and experiences, from scanning their own shopping items to booking their own holidays online.

In his two hour workshop, Daniel will explore the role of self-service and customer empowerment in fostering a new generation of engaged consumers. He’ll be providing practical insights and real-life examples to illustrate the impact of these techniques on businesses.

Join Daniel to learn about affordable software options and discover how to scale your operations and relationships by using self-service technology to empower your customers.

Attendance is free of charge and places are limited so be sure to book your spot today.

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