25th March 2019

Daniel Westlake speaking at Lincolnshire Cyber Security Forum launch event

Lincolnshire is joining the expanding national cyber resilience network, which aims to keep businesses up-to-date on the latest developments in cyber security. The Forum is a collaboration between Lincolnshire Police (including the National Cyber Security Centre), the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), and local businesses.

FSB Logo

Among the industry experts speaking at the launch event will be Cursor’s managing director Daniel Westlake. With more than 20 years experience in the IT industry, Daniel is well-versed in the importance of cyber security, and he will be giving his perspective on the role that people have to play in protecting a business against cyber crime.

“Human error” is often identified as the biggest threat to a business’ cyber security, whether it be choosing bad passwords, clicking unsafe email links, or connecting to a network on an unauthorised device. Many of these problems are caused by a lack of cyber security training, with employees making these mistakes simply because they don’t know any better.

Daniel will be speaking on the subject of why people should be considered a business' greatest asset in the war against cyber crime, not its greatest weakness. He will be speaking at 9:05am at the launch event, and he will be around at the networking session afterwards.

The objectives of the LCSF are to raise awareness of cyber security threats and issues, share and promote best practice, and highlight related opportunities within the business community in Lincolnshire.

The LCSF plans to hold four events a year to provide information about national and local developments and practices to the general business audience and the cyber security professional audience, enabling them to interact with computer students, trainees and others engaged in digital activities.

Business owners, entrepreneurs and IT students are invited to attend the launch event, where there will be a chance to network with fellow attendees before and after.

Register at:

For general enquiries regarding the event please contact Jackie Richardson:

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